Find here top 50 Pubg quotes to impress your friends or put as a social media post and above all have lots of fun reading them. Pubg is the most trending game played in India and across the world, so we do not want to miss this chance and have come up with a list of top 50 Pubg quotes for you. Make sure you read till the end, I am sure you will have lots of fun and find something unique.
If you are a die-hard fan of PUBG then we have got some wonderful Pubg quotes for you. PUBG is the trendiest game on the internet and lovers of Pubg are searching for the top PUBG Quote. End all your worries with the top Pubg quotes.
50 Best Pubg Quotes and Captions
Do not hurt someone who has AWM on PUBG.
The real liars are not true players, and the real players are the true lovers.
If I take your call during PUBG then… I do not know what you are talking about and how big your problem is.
IN PUBG My Aim is so bad, even Some times the Enemies also get Frustrated😂.
It’s not just a game! It’s about Emotions.
Pubg is over … If you want it.
We are Pubg players, we don’t need beautiful, and we need battery full??
Sometimes we can’t eat Chicken (especially when playing PUBG)
Sometimes we feel the pain of that headshot inside our heart, not in the head.
Heart break was difficult and then arrived Pubg.
PUBG is so good for people who do not know what fighting is yet.
In times of Pubg, the friendship falls silent.
To win in PUBG war, the best way is to avoid what’s strong, and strike on what are Weak.
PUBG is my New Friend
Life has become Pubg, we never know from which side the bullet may come and hit us. So live each and every day, happily.
Pubg is a game which turns people into a real gamer of the real life.
I don’t always die when playing Pubg
Pubg is sweet to those who have never fought.
Pubg is one when the world Kicks them off, it Accepts.
It’s not just a game! It’s our Emotions and do not play with it.
My life has become Pubg…..And I am in a red zone?
If Pubg was offline, I would probably be a pro player.
Playing Pubg is better than playing with someone’s heart.
The extra energy required to make another effort is the secret of winning.
I spend more time playing Pubg than reading writing.
She played with my emotion, I preferred playing Pubg.
Rule Of PUBG-Just Kill without any Mercy
In Pubg hide in the bushes as your father is here.
No one ever imagined this would happen…… bye bye Pubg?????
At that Time When Somebody Says to Prevent taking part in #Pubg, Ask them what could better make you Feel Alive.
Stay slow, go fast, kill first, die last one shot, one kill no luck, all skill.
We are born to; play Pubg!
Victory is not my greed, it determines my performance.
Some People Blame Pubg for several #Reasons, I wish they Might See the Pain that’s killed by it.
Winning is inside my blood, so don’t judge my Pubg scores.
PUBG is like our life, knocks you down many time, but somebody is there to revive you always!
We could also become a Tiktok star, but Pubg never allowed us.
She always tries to play with my feeling; I better preferred taking part in #_Pubg.
The Chance of defeat the enemy is provided by the Enemy himself.
So in war, the way is to avoid what is strong, and strike at what is weak.
In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.
Don’t lie, but at the beginning, even the bot was better than you.
God, I want a woman who ne’er Stops me from playing Pubg, Rather forces me to lend Pochinki.
Seeing the Enemy gives me courage.
PUBG gives me a New Life, Becoming my New Partner.
Don’t try to hide yourself because I will Kill You Whether you are at Pochinki or Gergoo.
I am simply going to play #PUBG no matter how many Games Is in front Of me.
The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.
Noobs can hide and play, but real winners can destroy everything.
It was not just a game, it was an emotion, it was not only played, it was felt from inside.
These are the top 50 PUBG status to enjoy and put on your social media account. For more quotes visit this page regularly and you will find many more amazing and funny quotes here.
Thanks for the great content sir i will also share with my friend & once again thanks alot
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